The object of the Raft Race is to design and build a raft that can stay afloat and take up to 3 team members across the water in the Old Harbour in Portsoy. All by paddle power and using whatever materials you can beg, borrow or otherwise source!

The Race is scheduled to take place on Saturday 22nd June 2024 @ 12:45pm

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Also prizes for the best dressed team – get those fancy dress costumes looked out, the more colourful and flamboyant the better!

Rafts / Teams must be registered in advance of Wednesday 19th June 2024.

Multiple entries permitted per organisation – go ahead and challenge your workmates!

Some guidelines to be observed:

Teams must build their raft in advance, bringing it to the race ready to compete on the day.

Rafts must be carried to, into and out of the Old Harbour by your team on the day of the race. Consider the design to ensure it’s as light as possible for you to carry. Remember unsealed barrels and wooden struts become heavy when wet!

Rafts must be removed from the Festival site for responsible disposal by teams after the race is finished.

Competitors must be aged 16 and over on day of race.

Competitors under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to take part.

Team members entering the water must be confident swimmers and all team members must bring and wear buoyancy aids / lifejackets during the race.

Rafts shall comprise two or more hulls that are held in position by struts or a platform. Use of tyre inner tubes is permitted. A canoe design is not permitted.

The overall length of the raft should be 2.5 metres long maximum and 2 metres wide. To ensure stability and prevent rafts from overturning, the inside distance between the outer hulls should be a minimum of one metre.

If outriggers are used, they should always be in full contact with the water along their full length.

To ensure the safety of other competitors, rafts must not have any protruding or sharp parts.

To consider the environment, rafts must be constructed from non-toxic materials. Any barrels or containers must be clean both inside and out. The use of polystyrene is forbidden even if it is enclosed or wrapped. Any parts which come loose from your raft must be recovered from the water after the race and disposed of responsibly.

Rafts shall only be propelled by paddles including waterwheels, propellers or poles. The use of oars or rowlocks is not permitted. All paddles shall be home made and be of a single blade design. The use of commercially manufactured paddles is not permitted.

For safety reasons paddles cannot be attached to crew members.

You will receive laminated identification numbers at registration on the day of the event. These must be clearly visible to judges during the race.

The Raft Race is weather permitted, conditions will be assessed on the day.

Raft Race Coordinator’s decision is final. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.